Laptop Computer

The classroom environment has changed over the years. Laptops are invaluable for taking notes, writing papers, using Bible software, and writing sermons. Because of the nature of this program, students are required to own a laptop computer. We encourage you to purchase the best laptop you can afford (pay particular attention to the processor and RAM). Minimum system requirements are:

Windows Laptop

  • Windows 7 SP1
  • 4GB RAM
  • 1024x768 Display
  • 30GB Free Space
  • Internet connection

Mac Laptop

  • OS X "Mavericks" 10.9
  • 4GB RAM
  • 30GB Free Space
  • Internet connection

Bible Software

Bible software is a powerful tool for digging deeper into God's word. Part of your training in handling God's word will focus on learning to use this tool competently and effectively. Although we recognize that there are many different programs available, we have chosen to use LOGOS Bible Software. Each student will need to install Logos 7 Basic and purchase the required resources listed below:

Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible (LHI)
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (TWOT)
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains

Word Processor

Each student is required to have installed on their laptop either Microsoft Office or OpenOffice.

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