
A School...

EI has an academic element. We do not believe you can bypass the mind in order to change the heart. Courses are designed to be both intellectually challenging and heart searching. Students should come prepared for rigorous study.

Of Biblical...

EI is a school saturated in the Word of God. We believe that Scripture gives us God’s perspective on life. We unequivocally accept the inerrancy and authority of the Scriptures. Although knowledge alone is not sufficient to secure spirituality, it is the necessary starting point and must have a primary place in our lives.


EI is more than a Bible school. It is training. Disciples must master spiritual disciplines that will promote continued spiritual growth. We emphasize the practice of personal devotions, prayer, corporate worship, evangelism, and missions scheduling in large chunks of time for these vital disciplines. Simply stated, our aim is to create an environment in which seeking men and women are first brought to a deep love for our Lord and to stable faith in Him, and then are able to go out into a needy world to live “not for themselves but for Him who loved them and gave Himself for them.”

EI is committed to maintaining:

▪ An identity as a Christian school which is evangelical, non-denominational and which focuses on essential biblical truths rather than on any particular theological scheme or doctrinal peculiarities.
▪ A firm biblical emphasis, both in the classroom and in principles for everyday life, based upon an absolute acceptance of the inerrancy and authority of the Scriptures.
▪ The prioritizing of consistent daily fellowship with the Lord in prayer both individually and corporately.
▪ A close fellowship and sense of community among staff and students which promotes spiritual growth through corporate worship, mutual edification, and servant leadership.
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